Monday, July 19, 2010

11 Months

Hi Buggie,

Well 11 months already, and again you have changed so much! You are standing by yourself and have even taken a few steps alone. You had your first fall and scratched your head. We think this scared you because since then, you dont like to try and walk by yourself, You will walk only if someone is holding your hand. We have lost the fear of you going underwater in the do it by yourself and hold your breath. You try to push off from whoever is holding you and close your mouth and eyes getting ready to go under. You havent figured out how to actually swim yet, so you kind of just wiggle under the me..its only for a second and you come up smiling. You have gotten 3 top teeth...your two fangs and 1 in the middle. It is so cute, except when you try to bite down on us..then that hurts. We have taken you off all but your night time bottle. The rest of the day, you drink out of your cup. You have done very well with this transition and we couldnt be more blessed about that. Your papa went back out on the boat over this past month, He came home right before you turned 11 months old. We were nervous that you would be skiddish of him, but smiled and went right to was so sweet! We spent alot of time with papa while he was home, but then he went back out on the boat. You are eating regular foods now and absolutely love turkey and chicken...You cant seem to shovel it in your mouth fast enough. Mommy has been planning your birthday for months now. We will be doing a ladybug theme with swimming and fun. I am so excited. We feel like your party is not only a celebration of your Birth but its also a celebration for daddy and I for making it through this past year of change and challenge. We love you so much and cant wait to see whats instore for us next!



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